Thursday, November 27, 2008

There's is a bear in the next room over

It is officially Thanksgiving Day. Oh man, I really love this time of year. I wish I was able to shut my eyes and drift off into that wonderful place we call dreams, but I can't. I can hear my Dad snoring and it is SO LOUD!! I'm surprised he doesn't wake himself up like my mom does when she realizes she is snoring! Haha.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


If I were to travel anywhere in the world, my first place to visit would be the entire continent of Africa. There is something about Africa that I find fascinating; and the more I learn the more I appreciate it. Yesterday, there was an article on BBC entitled

"The Pitfalls of Africa's Aid Addiction"

The article points out that, although aid to Africa is good in idea, the aid has not been put to proper use in helping the people of Africa. Sadly, the division between government and the people has deepened.

Sometimes, I wish that money was not so important to stabilizing the economy on a global scale. I wish there was at least fair trade throughout the world. I wish governments all over would realize that being in politics should not be for personal gain, but to improve the state of living for their people.

Anyway, if anyone has a chance, they should read this article and be open to what the writer of it has to say.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Don't Forget to Breathe


Today has been a really busy day, but somehow, I have been able to think quite a bit.

1. I think I know some of the most amazing people ever!
2. It is amazing to me how strong the human spirit is.
3. I'm excited for the holiday season. 
4. I'm in LOVE....with music.

Recently, I've been talking to a lot of people about gratitude.  There are so many things to be grateful for!!  The four things written above are also things to be happy for; the people in my life, holidays, music, the human spirit....they are all very wonderful!

I think the title "random thoughts' fits well for this little blog.  Each entry seems so random (sorry).  I guess it follows my thought process though!  

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Facebook Anonymous

I also forgot to mention that this week I am also going to be on facebook less.  Yeah it is getting kind of rediculous, I need to break the habit. SO sorry facebook, I'm going to be chatting with you less....

Song For You

For the next week I am not going to complain about anything and just think of the things I am grateful for.   That is perfect for Thanksgiving too, isn't it?!  I think everyone should say they are thankful more often.  It isn't said enough in this day an age.  I will let you know how it all works out.

On a completely different note, I'm listening to Alexi Murdoch (who is AMAZING)  and there is a song he wrote that I cannot get out of my head titled "Song For You."  I think they are some very beautiful words and, at times, I feel like I can really relate to them.  There have been times in my life where I feel no one can understand what I'm going through, and when I try to make sense of it, I just get lost in my thoughts and feelings.  The pain hurts to much that I do not feel anymore.  Tom Hanks said it best in Sleepless in Seattle, and I quote "You've got to keep moving, keep breathing."  

Song For You

So today I wrote a song for you
Cause a day can get so long
And I know its hard to make it through
When you say there's something wrong

So I'm trying to put it right
Cause I want to love you with my heart
All this trying has made me tight
And I don't know even where to start

Maybe that's a start

Cause you know its a simple game
That you play filling up your head with rain
And you know you are hiding from your pain
In the way, in the way you say your name

And I see you
Hiding your face in your hands
Flying so you won't land
You think no one understands
No one understands

So you hunch your shoulders and you shake your head
And your throat is aching but you swear
No one hurts you, nothing could be sad
Anyway you're not here enough to care

And you're so tired you don't sleep at night
As your heart is trying to mend
You keep it quiet but you think you might
Disappear before the end

And it's strange that you cannot find
Any strength to even try
To find a voice to speak your mind
When you do, all you wanna do is cry

Well maybe you should cry

And I see you hiding your face in your hands
Talking bout far-away lands
You think no one understands
Listen to my hands

And all of this life
Moves around you
For all that you claim
You're standing still
You are moving too
You are moving too
You are moving too
I will move you

Needless to say, I love this song. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

For all camera lovers

I just discovered the coolest thing ever!  It is called a shootsac.  Too bad it is almost 200 dollars worth of goodness.  And you can add a "cover" to it for like 50 more dollars, but it is so cool!!  This is perfect for someone who travels a lot to use as a bag and to have all camera equipment handy.

Oh man, I feel like an advertisement.  I was really excited about this idea.  Maybe I can look forward to my birthday in like three months and dream about it.   

There are only 37...soon to be 36...days until Christmas!!  Wow, Thanksgiving is just around the corner, too.   I love this time of year.  The only hard thing about it is the fact that I'm still in school and need to be focusing on doing well in all my assingments/ projects/ tests!  Man oh man.  Today for some reason, it has been incredibly hard.  I began looking at internship programs and hope I will be able to get into one that I would really like.  The few I have been looking at related to my major are out of state.  Wow.  That would be pretty exciting for the summer.  Maybe the company would like me enough I could stay on board.  If not, at least I would have some really good experience.  

My mind keeps getting lost in the idea of what the future could be like.  Hopefully I can come back to reality soon, or it is going to bite me in the butt.  The possibilities are endless, that is without question.  

So while I'm up in the clouds, I am going to describe what my future COULD be like: 
1.  Maybe have an internship with a charitable foundation in Washington D.C.  
2.  Traveling all over the east coast when I have a chance.
3.  Camera always at the ready to document adventures and what I am learning.
4.  Learning how to play an instrument.
5.  Designing my own  line of fun accessories and simple clothing.
6. Taking online courses so I can be that much closer to completing my degree!

Boy, I am sure going to be busy.  I'm excited. 

Monday, November 17, 2008

Like a worm devours an apple, I devor words in a book

Ok, I do not want to constantly be posting images on my blog at the moment, but this made me so happy! I am definitely doing this from now on for the rest of my life. I am a book worm!  When I was little I could sit in my room and read for hours (when I wasn't playing with my barbies).  I felt like I could really relate to Matilda when it came to reading.  Books+Taryn= true love. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ride, sally ride!

Note to self: I must ride Kingda Ka in New Jersey someday, along with Fahrenheit in Pennsylvania.

I love roller coasters. Twice, my family and I have traveled to Ohio to one of the largest Coaster parks ever. It also has one of the highest, fastest coasters in the world called the Top Thrill Dragster. You don't even have time to scream on it. haha!!

I once told a friend we could have a competition to see who could do the most roller coasters. Although it never happened and he is long and gone (married) I'm pretty sure I would have won that competition!

I hope I can ride roller coasters when I'm 90.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My hands are shaking....

When I get SUPER nervous about something, I tend to shake, a lot.  It isn't too noticible, but if someone were standing right next to me, they would definitely be able to feel it.  That is how I feel at this exact moment because I decided to be brave.  Yay for bravery!  It reminded me of a song by Sondre Lerche called "My Hands are Shaking" Such a good song.  Such an amazing musician!  

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wishes at 11:11

So today at work I decided to look at this site that my good friend Erin is always talking about. There are some WAY cute and hilarious things on there. I wanted to put one on here and decided to use the 11:11 one. I remember when I was younger thinking I was the one who made this up (the whole make a wish at 11:11). None of my friends started doing that until I piped up. I would get text messages at that time and If I was around someone, they would make sure I knew what time it was so I could make a wish. My mom used to tease me because I am such a daydreamer and have this unwaivering belief that wishes can come true. Sure, I realize now that you have to work hard for it, but I've never given up hope. This is quite the long explanation for such a self-explanatory postcard. I love it.  

word of wisdom for today: Keep Smiling!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Her Royal Rambleness at a loss for words.

oi. I am a dork. I just had one of those moments where you trip over all your words and look like a complete dork. It is a talent I possess, thank you very much. At least I can laugh about it, right?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And the next president of the United States is...

Rudolph Guliani (sp?) said something that I was very impressed by.  Brian Williams asked him if Guliani would be content with Barack Obama winning.  His response was this: No matter who wins, he will be THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and will be supported.  That is the truest statement I have heard during this election year.  Everyone needs to be united and support the person appointed to represent and lead the United States.  I wish Obama the best of luck and will support our president! 

books, fingerprints, and rain

I feel like a nerd. Now that I have actually told people about writing a blog, I feel like they are looking more! Under pressure! ahhhhh!

No not really, but my brain is running around in circles today. So this little entry may be somewhat scatterbrained.

As I was re-organized my class notes today in my handy-dandy binder I started to think about all the things I have learned this semester. It is amazing to me what the mind is capable of handling and the capacity we have to learn. Within one semester I have learned how to create databases, websites, what the best amount of inventory is needed to purchase for up-coming weeks, how to work in groups and avoid the evil "groupthink" ways, tolerance of all religions, and a million other things not related to my current classes.

This past year hearing about the elections has made me realize a lot. Some good things, some bad. I hate to be annoying, but I hope everyone votes! This election seems to be one of the most important ones yet in the history of our country and people should exercise their rights as citizens of this beautiful place!

Enough about that.

Today it has been raining nonstop and I LOVE it! However, the never-ending raindrops have made me a little homesick for a place that I haven't been to in what feels like forever. At least I can enjoy all the fond memories.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Mambo!  I noticed that the things I have written about thus far are random.  I think I am going to continue that trend.  

I have to say friends are amazing.  Last night there was a huge celebration for Halloween on campus and I went with a bunch of my friends.  Talk about entertainment and LOTS of dancing!  It was a blast. 

Does anyone ever have those moments, though, where they feel like they just don't fit in?  It is like everyone else is in on the joke and you have no idea what is going on.  I thought I'd be used to it because of other experiences that have happened in my life, but sometimes it creeps up on me unexpectedly and I my reaction time isn't quick enough.  oi.  When those moments surprise me, I listen to music that always seems to let my mind wander.  Thank goodness for music!  It fills the heart and lets the soul take flight (at least for me).  hallelujah!