Tuesday, November 25, 2008


If I were to travel anywhere in the world, my first place to visit would be the entire continent of Africa. There is something about Africa that I find fascinating; and the more I learn the more I appreciate it. Yesterday, there was an article on BBC entitled

"The Pitfalls of Africa's Aid Addiction"

The article points out that, although aid to Africa is good in idea, the aid has not been put to proper use in helping the people of Africa. Sadly, the division between government and the people has deepened.

Sometimes, I wish that money was not so important to stabilizing the economy on a global scale. I wish there was at least fair trade throughout the world. I wish governments all over would realize that being in politics should not be for personal gain, but to improve the state of living for their people.

Anyway, if anyone has a chance, they should read this article and be open to what the writer of it has to say.

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